Personal Profile
Ashutosh Srivastava is a Practicing Clinical Psychotherapist and Counselling Psychologist with around 15 years of hands-on experience in the sphere of Counselling, Teaching & Research. He is currently the President of Bharatiya Counselling Psychology Association and one of the Board Members of the International ReAttach Therapy Foundation, The Netherlands. He is MPhil in Clinical Psychology and PhD in Psychology with specialization in Psychological Profiling of Audience. He is a very effective trainer for Behaviour Change and has trained more than 10000 professionals from more than 12 states of India on a variety of Attitude and Behaviour change protocols. He has worked with various organizations of national & and International repute. He is the Director of Psyuni Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences and his organization is working meticulously to promote mental health quality education in the field of Psychology & Mental Health.
American Psychological Association
Bharatiya Counselling Psychological Association
Rehabilitation Council of India
International ReAttach Therapy Foundation, The Netherlands
Australian & New Zeeland Mental Health Association
International Association of Holistic Psychology
Indian Academy of Health Psychology
Youth Hostels Association of India
International School Counseling Association
Executive Trustee
An International Member of the Counselling Division (Div 17) of the American Psychological Association
Life Member & National President of the Bharatiya Counselling Psychology Association
Registered Clinical Psychologist
Board Member & Registered ReAttach Therapist
Life Member
Life Member
Life Member
Life Member
Associate Member
Psyuni Trust
Clinical Psychology
ReAttach Therapy
Consultancy / Free lancing
Study for UPSACS on “Impact Assessment of IDU Intervention Strategy UP” in 2015
Consultant Proposal Development andProject Management for Naz Foundation International, Maan Foundation and Bharosa Trust etc.
Behavioral Skill Trainer with various agencies such as NIPCCID, UPSACS, SIHFW, Future Group, UPAM, NIPCCID, HAL, Directorate of Women & Child Welfare, Police Training Academy, and Advait Life Education (training of management / engineering students on life skills) etc.
Since 2004 - Consultant psychologist/Counselor with Surya Hospital, Sai Child Care Clinic and the Eternal Soul, Cosmos Hospital etc.
Since 2004 – till date with the HIV Training Centre, Department of Psychology, Lucknow University for training of HIV AIDS counselors.
Provided assistance to various players (from different games playing at KD Singh Babu Stadium Lucknow) to cope up with their psychological problems e.g. lacking concentration, negative thoughts, lack of confidence, etc in year 2004-05
Weerkamp-Bartholomeus, P., Marazziti, D., Chan, E., Srivastava, A., van Amelsvoort, T. (2020). Randomized comparison of W.A.R.A. (Wiring Affect with ReAttach) versus distraction: A pilot study assessing the efficacy of an ultrafast transdiagnostic intervention. Heliyon 2020;6(8):e04660.
Srivastava, A. (2018). ReAttach Therapy: a new hope in the treatment of anxiety disorders. In P. Weerkamp-Bartholomeus (Ed.), Autism: is there a place for ReAttach therapy? A promotion of natural self-healing through emotions rewiring (pp. 43–61). Rome: Giovanni FioritiEditores.r.l.
Srivastava, A. (2018). From Attitude to Gratitude. New Delhi: Psyuni Trust.
Srivastava, A., & Shukla, A. (2018). Subjective Happiness and Differential Loneliness among Indian Adults. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(1), 1-10.
Srivastava, A., & Shukla, A. (2015). Understanding and Respecting Multi-Layering of MSM Sexuality: A Counseling Challenge. In S. Deb & A. Shukla (Eds.), HIV/AIDS in India: A Public Health Approach on Contemporary Trends. New Delhi: Global Vision Publication.
Srivastava, A., & Shukla, A. (2015). HIV/AIDS Counseling in India and the Saksham Experience. In S. Deb & A. Shukla (Eds.), HIV/AIDS in India: A Public Health Approach on Contemporary Trends. New Delhi: Global Vision Publication.
Srivastava, A., & Shukla, A. (2009). Reproductive Health Management: Public Health Perspectives. In S. Deb (Ed.), Reproductive Health Management. New Delhi: Akansha Publishers.
Srivastava, A., (2008). Emotional Intelligence and Performance. Synergy biannual Journal : Institute of Technology and Science, Ghaziabad
Academic presentations
Keynote Speech on ReAttach Therapy: A Positive Psychology Intervention at International ReAttach Therapy Conference (Virtual due to COVID 19) on June 24-26, 2020.
Keynote Speech on ReAttach Therapy: An Indian Experience with Anxiety at International ReAttach Therapy Conference held at Eindhoven, Netherlands on April 14-15, 2018
Presented paper on “Cognitive Retraining as technique for management of Cognitive Dysfunctions among Neoro-Psychiatric Disorders” in 2nd International Conference of National Academy of Health Psychology held at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida in December 2016.
Presented paper on “ReAttach Therapy and its Effectiveness” in 2nd International Conference of National Academy of Health Psychology held at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida in December 2016.
Presented paper on “Subjective Happiness and Differential Loneliness among Indian Adults” in 2nd International Conference of National Academy of Health Psychology held at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida in December 2016.
Co-chaired a session on ‘HIV & Youth Awareness to What Works’ in the International Conference on Youth Gender and HIV held on August 12-13, 2014 organized by Amity University, Lucknow Campus
Poster on “The Young Mania Rating Scale: Response on item 8 “Content” in 3rd Biennial Meeting of the ISBD 27-30 January 2008, Delhi & Agra
Presented paper on “ Emotionally Intelligent Wins the Race” in annual conference of National Academy Of Psychology held at Faizabad between 4-6 march 2005
Presented paper on “ You can Win: It is all about Beliefs and Self-talk” in UGC national seminar held at Gorakhpur University between 21,22 march 2005
Presented paper on “Why Emotional Intelligence in Sports” in 17th National Conference of Sport Psychology held at University of Jammu in November 2004.
Presented paper on “Less-Communication in Classroom” in Indian Science Congress 2004.
Dissertation on “Emotional Intelligence and Performance in Sports Person” as part of partial fulfillment of MA Psychology in year 2004.
Attended Workshops / Trainings
Workshop on “Application of Projective test: Rorschach and Somatic Inkblot Series, in Personality Assessment, Diagnosis and Therapeutic Intervention” held at Chandigarh in the year 2004.
Training of counseling skills for HIV/AIDS counselors organized by UPSACS in 2005
Workshop on “ Cognitive Behavioral Interventions For Emotional Wellness” held at Lucknow in the February 2005
Training for Disability rehabilitation counselors organized by CRRC, Lucknow and NIOH Kolkatta in 2005.
Three day workshop on “Trauma Counseling” organized by OLAKH, Vadodara, Gujarat and conducted by Anita M & Neeta M form Canada in February 2007
Advanced Workshop on HIV/AIDS Counseling by Tata Institute of Social Sciences held on January 03-09, 2009
Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation organized by Tata Institute of Social Sciences held on February 25-26, 2009
SPSS training organized by Psychology Department, Lucknow in 2011
Workshop on Process Improvement – TISS Way by Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. held at Goa in May 2012
Counselling Children & Adolescents by Prof. Shekhar P. Sheshadri, NIMHANS in August 2012
Training on Counseling Plus Module organized by Saksham at JamiaMiliaIslamia, New Delhi on January 15-17, 2014
Intensive workshop on Rational Emotive Therapy (REBT) by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis, (REBT Trainer, USA) held in Bangalore on February 11-13, 2014
Basics of CBT and its Applications in Childhood Disorders organized by National Center for Individual & Organizational Development held at Delhi in March 2014
Rehabilitation Council of India Sponsored CRE Program On Applications of Neuro-Biofeedback Therapy among Patients with Neuro-psychiatry Conditions at Gautam Buddha University on March 03-05, 2016
Organized Workshops /Seminars/Trainings
Workshop on “Family Therapy” at AMITY, Lucknow Campus, conducted by Dr. SushmaMehrotra, Director CARE India.
Seminar on “ Therapies in Use: Issues and Challenges” at AMITY, Lucknow Campus
Workshop on “Mental Health and Well Being” at AMITY, Lucknow Campus
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women’s Choices: Women’s Realities on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2013
More than 600 days of training programs on counseling for Counselors, Master Trainers, Supportive supervisors